Monday, April 13, 2009

Slambovia on Facebook

The Slambovian Embassy has successfully negotiated and signed all necessary treaties allowing us to finally establish our official presence on Facebook. We're still getting accustomed to the new building and all the space (Chen has his own office!), so post your posts and blog your blogs, and do whatever other creative pursuits people do whilst there, all under the entrusted auspices of the Slambovian Embassy. And we've also traded successfully with the neighboring Nation of Reverb (now known simply as ReverbNation) for one of their so-called 'pop-up' music playing widgets that you can place on your facebook profile. We've also uploaded dozens of live and studio recordings, an animated tour map widget, and the 'My Band" tab up top has lots of further enhancements. More contraptions are on the way as we'll make an effort to keep the ships sailing regularly with fresh bounty from the shores of Slambovia. So take a moment to post a post and let us know how great you now think the Internet is.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

All New Radio-Free Slambovia

Updated instructons: 4-9-09

Here are the brand new 'Best of Radio-Free Slambovia" players, shuffled up with over 50 of our favorite live and studio tracks that you can post and share on your own websites, blogbooks, spacefaces, etc.. click the 'SHARE' button on any player to get codes to post it on your site (A handful of tracks can also be downloaded free)


More shareable players available on Radio-Free Slambovia...

And now customize your own Slambovian player:

From our ReverbNation site, choose the 'PLAYLIST' tab above the song list, then choose a 'Playlist' on the left, and click the 'EMBED' button. You'll have a choice of sizes, colors, and play options, you can then grab the code to post the player on your choice of sites. (With some services the widgets can be posted directly to your page) So feel free to create and share your own custom players on any sites you like.